Familiar Spirits pt.1

Our Lion-faced friend, Connie Woods shares about familiar spirits…Blessings&SHALOM!!!

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Spiral of Time Q&A…

We recorded our question and answer session about the time spiral last Saturday.  Hopefully this will help with some of the questions that have come up so far.  We are only scratching the surface so hang on because Heaven is invading!!! Blessings&SHALOM!!!

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Spiral of Time and the Generations…pt.2

SPIRAL OF TIME & GENERATIONS – Part 2.pdf Our friend and Prophet Shane Feemster releasing part 2 of the Time Spiral revelation…Blessings&SHALOM!!!

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Spiral of Time and the Generations…pt.1

SPIRAL OF TIME & GENERATIONS – Part 1 pdf Our friend and Prophet, Shane Feemster, releasing the revelation of the Time Spiral…Blessings&SHALOM!!!

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The Trumpet of the 7th Month

May we all continue to grow and mature into the reality of Perfection and Completion in Him, fully Tabernacled, David’s Booth restored… Blessings&SHALOM!!!

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