
During worship at ATR, God began to refocus our vision as a photographer does with a camera, adjusting our depth of field. Instead of looking at life and the things of this world, we focused on Yeshua. As we did this, He became translucent. We could still see this world, with its challenges, beauties and situations, but instead of looking directly at them, we were seeing them through Him. This changed our view completely, because, through Him, we now had the wisdom, the grace, and all that was necessary to handle these things and to walk in victory.  

God revealed that He desired to open a portal to His beauty realm to us, and that the key to opening it was the corporate sound that was released through each person present.  

This beauty realm portal is related to Song of Solomon 1:15, where the Beloved told the Shulamite that she had dove’s eyes (no peripheral vision; total unbroken focus upon Him). In reality, she did not yet have this focus and was enamored by His palace, His garments, His riches, His gifts. But when He speaks, He creates. He spoke things prophetically into existence in her life, and it was manifested by the end of the book.  

And so, we realized that He is preparing us for an outpouring of the things we have cried out for:  the miracles, signs, wonders, the gold, the diamonds, the supernatural. He is preparing us by giving us dove’s eyes, so that when He comes with His gifts, we will not focus upon them, allowing them to become an idol. But, with dove’s eyes, we will remain focused solely upon Him, the Object of our desire. 

Is there something that has taken your focus off of your Beloved today? Has it been difficult to remain in the secret place when things around you are swirling? If so, just take a minute, close your eyes, breathe deep and take in His beauty and limitless love for you. Notice His face, His smile, His arms that are wide open to you. Then begin looking at your life through the lens of His power and faithfulness. Remember, the Counsel Chambers of heaven are open to you. Things in your life may appear unsolvable, but that is just an illusion. There is always a strategy nestled in the depths of His heart and mind. He is not hiding these solutions FROM you but FOR you. It really is His pleasure to give you His kingdom! Be encouraged as you refocus today.