The Decrees of A Queen

During a recent time of intercession, the Lord began speaking to us about the season of transition that we find ourselves in the midst of, showing us that it is the turning of a corner.  Though the turn is eminent, you can’t see all that is coming.  Transition is always a vulnerable time, one in which we are greatly in need of Wisdom.  The Father revealed to us that this is a time of conservation of energy, like the inhale before the exhale.  It is a time where we must labor to enter into His rest (Hebrews 4), in preparation for all the exploits that are to come.
This transition is like the transformation of the eagle during molting season spoken of in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
The Bride of Christ has grown and matured through the lessons of her last season, and is now learning how to be who she has always been positionally:  His Queen.  We are learning how to sit in our seat of rest and of authority in the heavenly realms and dimensions.  We are not to labor as a servant, but instead, from that place, are to decree and declare.  We are entering a season where the things we decree will actually happen! Job 22:28:  “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you.”

So, Jesus, we enthrone you as King of Kings and Lord of Lords on the throne of our lives.  And from that place of absolute surrender, where we are in You and You are in us, we rule and reign.  Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in and through us, on earth as it is in heaven.  We say yes to You, as You make us an earthly picture of Your heavenly reality!