Trees, Soil & Roots

I had been pondering that we are trees of the Lord, when I learned about the Chinese bamboo tree from the book, The Science of Dreams, by Benji Alexander.         

The Chinese bamboo tree germinates from a seed and then requires a great level of nurture in order for it to become what it was created to be. It must have a constant supply of food and water. After a whole year of watering and fertilizing, it would appear that the Chinese bamboo tree is doing nothing but consuming resources. After a second year of dedicated cultivation, the bamboo tree still does not even break the surface of the soil. A third year passes, and it still appears that this bamboo tree is simply a colossal source of resource consumption. Yet another year of attentive watering and nurturing passes, and this plant still has not even broken through the soil. For five full years, the Chinese bamboo tree invests itself in developing the infrastructure for massive, exponential growth. For five years, the Chinese tree develops its root system and builds its energy reserves in preparation for massive action. After five years of hidden development, the bamboo tree finally breaks through the surface of the soil, and, within six weeks, it grows 90 feet (27.4 meters)! On average that is over 2 feet of growth per day! But did it grow to 90 feet in 6 weeks or in five years? Realistically it took five years, but the five years of preparation allowed for exceptional, exponential growth!

As I pondered and prayed into this, I saw clearly that I needed to prepare and cultivate the soil of my land, my garden. It’s time to grow! It’s time to mature.

When I Initially emerged from “just enough, cruise control” religion six years ago, I had thoughts like: “What?! Actively participate in the growth process? For how long? Every day? For as long as it takes?! I don’t want to! Make my own soil good soil? I thought You did that!?”       

But for Your Love…. Not my will but Yours, Oh God.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
-Philippians 2:12, ESV  

Now you must continue to make this new life fully manifested as you live in the holy awe of God – which brings you trembling into His presence.
-Philippians 2:12, TPT 

I’ve always had a “Yes” in my heart for Him. But so many times, as I attempted tilling and cultivating my soil, issues would arise, and I would feel like, “Why bother?” And then I would start again. Shallow distractions continually pulled me away from the Father, from intimacy, from determination. Well, something has clicked. The Father flipped a switch! It’s all Him, drawing me. The other day He made it clear to me that all my “yesses” have made a difference. He knew my heart. He never failed me. He never left me. He wanted ME!! Oh, how my heart is struck with a new passion and hunger. I’ve asked for this. I hadn’t been sure if I wanted to legislate or really become a mature son. It felt like too much responsibility. Actually, it was a fear of success. Now a GREAT desire to mature, to legislate and to take my seat of rest and authority has overtaken me. LET’S DO THIS!!!  

FINALLY, a decision is made! A course is struck! Determination comes alive! I now desire all He has for me – out of pursuit for His Love, for His glory. I am a germinated seed of the Lord, and I’m planted into my well-tended, tilled and cultivated soil. And… like the sound of a record skipping, I start prepping the soil ….. again.

With intention, with perseverance, with my eyes fixed on our Lord and the prize of the high calling in Christ, I water it with the water of the word. I speak and declare into my soil. I fertilize it with time well spent in the courts of heaven and in cleansing my gates. I hover over my soil with determination to see results of growth and transformation as I, in love, behold Him and meditate on who I really am. I am in Him, one with Him and He is in me. I’m staying in the Vine. I am nourished by Him as His word fills me to overflowing. I feel like I can fly!! Such joy, such peace, such – AUTHORITY!  

I’m reaching deep and am firmly planted, drinking from the source, the Water of Life, absorbing the Light of Life. It’s Him who causes my roots to grow and grow and grow. In the sometimes-rocky areas, and in the dark, secret place of revelation and beholding Him, I’m growing and radiating Him. I feel electric!! I feel His Presence, His Glory! Halleluiah!!!! A deeper trust is developing.

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made Him their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.   
-Jeremiah 17:7-8, NLT

His roots are my roots! He is the vine. I am the branches. Yet He is The Branch, The Root of David. He is The Tree of Life, yet I am a tree of life. Oh, how good You are, LORD – to make me like You!   

My tree reaches out beyond the soil now, and my branches are growing – lifted up to higher and higher places! I’ve begun to see more light as I reach upward to the heights… finally experiencing “exceptional, exponential” growth! I’m reaching a realm of light I have not seen before! In His light, I’m seeing light! I believe that I’m ever expanding, ever reaching, standing strong, containing and reflecting more and more of HIM – our Beloved. And I’ve barely begun!

Yes! Look how You’ve made all Your lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into Your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before You. For in Your Presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.  
-Psalm 92:12-14, TPT

I see every believer all over the earth moved to cultivate, till, fertilize and water their soil. Our Lord WILL HAVE His spotless bride! Godly roots all around the world are uprooting, removing and displacing the roots of darkness. His trees of righteousness are poking out of the soil and becoming one tree all around the world, knit together and reflecting His glory! From the heavens, I can see our planet brilliantly lit up as His glory covers the whole earth as the waters cover the sea!

Pamela H. (used with permission) had a vision of us as the Trees of Life on either side of the River of Life. As we grew, our branches reached out, took hold of and intertwined with one another. We have become one – one with each other, so tightly connected that we are like a tapestry woven together. Our branches and leaves squeezed together so compactly that oil began to drip into the river of life. The drops became resources for the healing of the nations!

Ashley S. (used with permission) had this wonderful encounter: “Yahweh was speaking to me about restoration in the garden and reminded me that it starts in our heart. I was also shown that the uprooting and tilling of the soil is like nothing that has gone on before, because there is going to be a harvest like never before. It’s Gods glory flowing through us that will nourish this great movement (Mark 4:20 and Revelation 22).”

After writing this, I read A Time To Advance by Chuck Pierce and found this gem: “This is the month of Shevat (January/February). It is called the month of the new year of trees. This is the month where the river touches the roots, and the roots awaken to the water of life.”

No wonder we’ve had so many tree references already this year!

-Wendy Campbell

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