
Do not succumb to the lies, or feel that I have forsaken you. Do not become discouraged, as if your prayers are in vain. Though it is in My power to remove these obstacles from before you, it is in your best interest that they remain, so that you are able to grow strong. You cannot be an overcomer without having something to overcome! … Continue readingOvercoming

Unity, Community & Growing Pains

We see in Scripture and throughout history that where there is unity, there is the anointing of God, the presence of God and the blessing of God. In this hour, the Lord is calling us to a deeper level of unity than we have even imagined before—far beyond unity between races, sexes or denominations. He is releasing the anointing of the “seamless garment” and is looking for a people who will simply say “yes.” … Continue readingUnity, Community & Growing Pains

The Watering Can

I remember this conversation with Yeshua as we were hanging out one time. He showed me a red plastic watering can. I love how He meets us in the simplicity of the everyday, with things that we can relate to. This particular watering can, was just like the one I used, when I would water the veggies and plants at the Cabin where I lived in England. “Suppose you were to fill that with soil”
Well that is just weird…I looked at Him wondering why on earth you would put dirt inside the watering can. He smiled and continued, “Suppose you were to fill it, perhaps, a quarter or even a half full of soil, and then the rest with fresh water? When you go to water the plants, what would happen?” … Continue readingThe Watering Can


Is there something that has taken your focus off of your Beloved today? Has it been difficult to remain in the secret place when things around you are swirling? Things in your life may appear unsolvable, but that is just an illusion. There is always a strategy nestled in the depths of His heart and mind. … Continue readingRefocusing

Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers

I was praying in the Spirit when a door appeared to me. It was a wider-than-usual door and looked dark. Not knowing its nature, I prayed, submitting to all that was of God and resisting all that was not. I began moving swiftly in the Spirit toward and through that open door. I entered into the cosmos – blackness dotted with stars – and was moving at a rapid pace. … Continue readingThrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers