
The Council of Fathers

I saw a golden chain stretching around the earth. It resonated with the sound of heaven and emanated with the light of God. It originated from the heart of the Father and firmly wrapped around the earth, pulling it back into His heart and original design. I could feel the longing of His heart, not only for mankind to come back home, but for all of creation to be brought back into alignment. The sound coming from this chain was an integral part of the drawing power that was realigning things and was the frequency of dominion released from our voices raised in worship and in echoing the Father’s will through decreeing and co-creating with Him. The effectiveness of the chain was obviously dependent upon it staying linked together. This linking was not only unity but was also each person being firmly in their place and also being proactive in governing their own lives and what has been entrusted to them. … Continue readingThe Council of Fathers


Do not succumb to the lies, or feel that I have forsaken you. Do not become discouraged, as if your prayers are in vain. Though it is in My power to remove these obstacles from before you, it is in your best interest that they remain, so that you are able to grow strong. You cannot be an overcomer without having something to overcome! … Continue readingOvercoming

Unity, Community & Growing Pains

We see in Scripture and throughout history that where there is unity, there is the anointing of God, the presence of God and the blessing of God. In this hour, the Lord is calling us to a deeper level of unity than we have even imagined before—far beyond unity between races, sexes or denominations. He is releasing the anointing of the “seamless garment” and is looking for a people who will simply say “yes.” … Continue readingUnity, Community & Growing Pains

Building the Ship at Sea

In Quantum Physics there is a theory called the ‘Observer Effect’ where the observer looks upon the invisible energy field and the effect of the observer viewing causes the wave of energy to collapse into particles and materializes into matter, so that the unseen becomes … Continue readingBuilding the Ship at Sea

chaos to beauty

As Hurricane Dorian attempted to pass through Jacksonville, I chose, with intent, to engage with God from my place of Oneness with Him… to interact with the wind… to reach into the center of the chaos and co-create by pulling out beauty and life. What … Continue readingchaos to beauty