
The River Of Life

The River of Life is a real place in heaven. It is available to those who die…to cleanse, heal and prepare them for other realms of heaven. The Hebrew “mikveh” (ceremonial cleansing) is the earthly picture of this heavenly reality. Because Yeshua (not death) is the door to heaven, I can experience this reality now. My spirit is “seated with Christ in heavenly places” (Ephesians 2:6 ) and has access to this living water. As my spirit drinks, this water flows into and through my soul, cleansing and breaking every obstruction. It then flows into my body, releasing wholeness and life (John 7:37-38). The blood of Yeshua cleanses me from my sins, and the River of Life cleanses me from the effects of those sins – death (Romans 6:23), replacing death with LIFE! Because I am a gate of heaven upon the earth, this living water flows through me and into the earth. … Continue readingThe River Of Life