Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers

I was praying in the Spirit when a door appeared to me. It was a wider-than-usual door and looked dark. Not knowing its nature, I prayed, submitting to all that was of God and resisting all that was not. I began moving swiftly in the Spirit toward and through that open door. I entered into the cosmos – blackness dotted with stars – and was moving at a rapid pace. … Continue readingThrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers

The Narrow Way

When satan tempted Christ, he showed Him the kingdoms of this world and said, “This is what you will get if you just worship me.” By contrast, when the rich young ruler came to Christ, Jesus said nothing of what he would get, but rather … Continue readingThe Narrow Way

Maturity & Dominion

I was standing on my mountain under His wings, with my wings outstretched. From this high place, I could see “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” (Matthew 4:8). I saw power and authority, riches, influence, insight and knowledge – beautiful treasures created … Continue readingMaturity & Dominion


I saw a little girl playing hopscotch. (According to A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary, hopscotch is: A need to get balanced; jumping from one thing to another without finishing the task at hand; playful immaturity; trying to get ahead in life while childishly throwing … Continue readingBalance

The DNA of Love

I am traveling within a strand of DNA made of purple, pink, orange, and yellow lights. I ask, “What does this mean?” In response, I hear the Lord saying, “I am taking you back into the very beginning. The beginning of who you are. I … Continue readingThe DNA of Love